Mother’s Day: Ib’ North East LG Chair’ Akintayo Extols Mothers, Describes Them as Heroes and Home Managers

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The Executive Chairman of Ibadan North East Local Government, Hon. Ibrahim Akintayo, fondly known as “O mu Yes,” extends heartfelt celebrations to mothers across the local government environs and throughout Nigeria on the occasion of Mother’s Day.


In a statement issued by the Council’s Information Officer, Ikeoye Oyetoro, the Chairman underscores the unique role mothers play as the bedrock of homes, emphasizing their indispensable contributions to the upbringing of children and the overall development of the nation.

Hon. Ibrahim Akintayo expresses deep admiration for the resilience and dedication exhibited by mothers in managing households and their tireless efforts in nurturing future generations.

“Mothers are the heroes who tirelessly manage our homes and shape the future of our nation through their nurturing roles,” says Chairman Akintayo. “They deserve our utmost respect and appreciation for their awe-inspiring contributions.”

The Council Boss while acknowledging the significant impact of mothers on society, calls for a collective effort in honoring and celebrating these remarkable individuals not just on Mother’s Day but every time.

“As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us all take a moment to reflect on the immense love, sacrifice, and resilience embodied by mothers and give them the uttermost appreciation and respect they deserve”.