Interview: US Based HR Personnel, Khadijat Alabi Shares In-depth Knowledge On Roles, Contribution Towards Better, Efficient Healthcare and Human Management Delivery

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Folajinmi Ramadan

In today’s rapid change in healthcare landscape, community healthcare center are facing increasing pressure to attract and retain skilled professionals, while also fulfilling their mission to provide high-quality care to the communities they serve. Strategic human resources practices play a crucial role in supporting these centers

in achieving their business generation and sustainability goals.

Sarumi in an exclusive interview with a human resource manager and author of the “Strategic Human Resources Practices in Business Generation
and Sustainability: A Critical Role in Community Healthcare
Development” Khadijat Alabi, a project focusing on the basic and essential needs for community healthcare centers and a convenience for health workers for effective service delivery.

Except from the interview:

Monumental Legacy

Correspondent: What would you say inspired this project?

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Khadijat: Thank you, I would say my educational background must have influenced the urge to make an impact in human management in whatever aspect, I began my journey by earning a degree in Accounting (B.Sc.) with a Human Resources Management program MBA from Williams Paterson University of New Jersey.

Where I discovered that focusing on crafting and executing innovative HR strategies, frameworks, and policies, more so posses expertise across various HR domains, including talent acquisition, talent management, organization development, performance management, and employee well-being.

Correspondent: Who will be the direct beneficiaries of your initiative?


Community healthcare centers play a pivotal role in providing essential medical services to underserved populations. To ensure the sustainability and efficient operation of these centers, it is crucial to implement strategic human resources practices that attract and retain top talent and contribute to the overall success of the organization.


This project aims to explore the key strategic HR management practices that are vital for business generation and sustainability in critical community healthcare centers. By examining the unique challenges and opportunities within this sector, we can uncover effective strategies to optimize HR practices in community healthcare settings. As community healthcare centers continue to face challenges such as staffing shortages, budget constraints, and evolving healthcare regulations, it becomes increasingly important to focus
on strategic human resources management. One of the key areas of emphasis is talent acquisition and retention.


In a critical community healthcare setting, the ability to attract and
retain skilled healthcare professionals is essential for maintaining the quality of care provided to patients.

Correspondent: With your research work concentrating on improving professionalism at the community health care in the United States of America. How would you rate the acceptability of your initiative outside the United States?

Khadijat: The initiative applies to every region be it Africa, Europe, or America in as much as the principles are followed, the techniques for proper HR are imputed, we all experience a rapid development, improvement in healthcare delivery toward the direct beneficiaries.

Correspondent: Lastly, can you introduce your personality to the readers, aside your educational background?

Khadijat: Well, nothing much to say about my person, my names are Khadijat Alabi, an HR personnel who focus more on human management and well-being for excellent service delivery.